Product News
Certified Carbon Neutral HyDAF™ Technology Protects Water Reuse Scheme
The Wickham WWTP located in Western Australia is operated by Water Corporation and treats approximately 600kL of wastewater per day....
Brewing Beyond ABV: A Solution to an Increasing Demand
The beverage industry faces a significant challenge when it comes to reducing the alcohol content in beverages. With the increasing...
Carbon Neutral QPRESS® Technology Successfully Commissioned for Cameron Bay STP
TasWater’s Cameron Bay STP was recently upgraded to allow the Sludge Dewatering Facility to meet new performance requirements, reduce maintenance...
Sustainable Savings: How Optimising Your Chemical Treatment Plant Can Cut Costs
When operating a physical chemical treatment plant such as a DAF or clarifier, the performance of the plant is highly...
Preserving Paradise: Sustainable Infrastructure in the Pacific
The Blue Pacific Continent is made up of eighteen nations whose life and livelihood centres around protecting natural capital. Nowhere...
Hydroflux: Navigating the Depths of Efficient Wastewater Treatment for Tunnelling Projects
Australia’s Eastern seaboard is in the midst one of the largest infrastructure development cycles in recent history. This infrastructure boom...